Prepare for the Crash Now
Robert Kiyosaki
Aug 6, 2021
I still remember this story I heard as a child in Sunday school.
One night, an Egyptian Pharaoh had an unsettling dream. He saw seven fat cattle being eaten by seven skinny cattle. Disturbed, he searched for a person who would interpret his dream.
Finally, he came upon a young slave boy who told him his dream meant the world would have seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine. The pharaoh immediately began preparing for a famine, and Egypt went on to become a powerful nation, feeding that part of the world.
Years later, when I discovered the teachings of futurist Buckminster Fuller, I saw a similar warning.
After reading Dr. Fuller’s book Grunch of Giants in 1983, I began preparing for a financial crisis. It worked. Through the 2008 crisis, and again during the Covid-19 pandemic, my wife and I, our company, and our investments continue to prosper simply because we are always preparing for bad times.
1983 年讀完富勒博士的書《巨人之谷》後,我開始為金融危機做準備。有效。在 2008 年的危機中,以及在 Covid-19 大流行期間,我和我的妻子、我們的公司和我們的投資繼續繁榮,因為我們一直在為糟糕的時期做準備。
My generation — the baby boom generation — and their kids have only known the biggest economic boom in history. The baby boomers do not know what depression is. For the most part, all they know are good times. The baby boomers were blessed by being born into a massive economic boom, a boom that began in 1971 when all the world’s money became fake money. Many people in my generation made wheelbarrows full of money. After the crash of 2007, many of my generation lost their wheelbarrows of money.
我這一代——嬰兒潮一代——和他們的孩子只知道歷史上最大的經濟繁榮。嬰兒潮一代不知道什麼是抑鬱症。在大多數情況下,他們所知道的只是美好的時光。嬰兒潮一代出生在大規模的經濟繁榮中是幸運的,經濟繁榮始於 1971 年,當時世界上所有的錢都變成了假錢 (意旨: 紙幣、貨幣)。我們這一代的很多人都用錢製造了手推車。 2007 年股市崩盤後,我們這一代人中的許多人都丟掉了手推車的錢。
I'm afraid my generation and their kids are not prepared for the economic decline, a depression that may be ahead. If a person has only known an expanding economy, he or she may not be prepared for life in a deflationary or hyperinflationary economy.
The Importance of History and the Future
To increase financial intelligence and financial literacy, the first step is to learn history. Through the lens of the past you can better see the future.
Over the course of history, the actions of the rich and powerful have done both much good and much harm. I don’t fault the rich for looking out for their interests or their family’s interests. Rather than placing blame, I studied the history of the rich, learned their game, and lived my life aware of their rules of money — and created some of my own rules along the way.
Most people who know the rules of the game of the rich are not in financial trouble today. For the most part, it’s only those people who have low financial intelligence and live by the old rules of money who are hurting financially.
Rich Dad's Prophecy Is Coming True
Yes, it's true, I've written for years about a coming crash, including in my 2002 book Rich Dad's Prophecy. The cause of the prophesied crash is a flaw in the 401(k) retirement plan, a plan blessed by Congress in 1974 as an attempted fix to the dying pension system.
是的,這是真的,多年來我一直在寫關於即將到來的崩潰,包括在我 2002 年出版的書《富爸爸的預言》中。預測崩潰的原因是 401(k) 退休計劃中的一個缺陷,該計劃在 1974 年得到國會的支持,作為對垂死的養老金體系的嘗試修復。
At the time of the book’s publication, the stock market was breaking records left and right, at least numerically. There was little doubt in the establishment’s mind that the stock market and mutual funds would solve the retirement problem for many Americans.
As would be expected, the Wall Street media trashed the book.
The 401(k) plan was a primary catalyst for pushing the retirement money of the baby boomers, the biggest generation in U.S. history, into the stock market, which created immense demand for stocks and mutual funds. As the baby boomers retire, they will need to begin drawing on that money in order to live — which means they will be selling stocks, not buying them. And when there are more people selling than buying, the market goes down. This means that today those who are 45 or younger and have retirement plans connected to the stock market are in trouble.
401(k) 計劃是推動美國歷史上最大的一代嬰兒潮一代的退休金進入股市的主要催化劑,這創造了對股票和共同基金的巨大需求。隨著嬰兒潮一代退休,他們將需要開始動用這筆錢才能生活——這意味著他們將出售股票,而不是購買股票。當賣的人多於買的人時,市場就會下跌。這意味著,如今那些 45 歲或以下且擁有與股票市場相關的退休計劃的人遇到了麻煩。
Many people believe they are safe because the stock market will recover. But the market will not recover; it will only continue to fall. The idea of a comfortable retirement is becoming a myth for young and old.
Ancient History Comes Alive
I have one final point about history. The Founding Fathers opposed central banks like the Federal Reserve. President George Washington experienced the pain of government-made money when he had to pay his troops with the continental, a currency that eventually went to its true value — zero.
關於歷史,我還有最後一點。開國元勳反對美聯準等中央銀行。當喬治華盛頓總統不得不用大陸貨幣*支付他的軍隊時,他經歷了政府賺錢的痛苦,這種貨幣最終達到了其真實價值 : 零。
Thomas Jefferson adamantly opposed the creation of a central bank.
Yet today, central banks control the financial world, and we’ve granted them the power to solve our financial crises for us, the very crises they helped create.
Simply said, a central bank can create money out of nothing and then charge us interest on money it did not earn.
The policies of the Fed aren’t abstract realities. They are powerful actions that determine your financial well-being in both open and hidden ways.
Anyone who purchases a home knows that for the first years most of your mortgage payment goes to the bank to pay down interest, and that very little goes toward reducing the principal. The bank effectively receives interest payments for money it did not earn but rather created out of thin air.
We Are Architects of the Future, Not Victims
As Bucky Fuller said, “We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.”
正如 Bucky Fuller 所說:“我們被要求成為未來的建築師,而不是它的受害者。”
In 1984, I began talking to Kim about what I saw as the future of the economy and why we had to prepare for it. Rather than being frightened, she simply took my hand, and we began our life journey together — and together we built a strong house of bricks.
At the start of our journey, we were in debt. I still owed about $400,000 out of a $790,000 loss from the failure of a past business, and I had no money, job, home, or car.
All we had were the clothes on our backs, two small suitcases, our love, and a dream for our future.
By preparing for bad times you have a better chance of seeing the silver lining when storm clouds gather, and a better chance of finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
For those in houses made of straw and sticks, the coming years could be bad ones; for people in brick houses, a silver lining can be seen in those approaching storm clouds and a pot of gold can be found at the end of the rainbow.
Play it smart,
Robert Kiyosaki
炫麗 Shiny黃金白銀交易所
引用: Rich Dad Poor Dad Daily窮爸爸富爸爸
Robert Kiyosaki
Aug 6, 2021
I still remember this story I heard as a child in Sunday school.
One night, an Egyptian Pharaoh had an unsettling dream. He saw seven fat cattle being eaten by seven skinny cattle. Disturbed, he searched for a person who would interpret his dream.
Finally, he came upon a young slave boy who told him his dream meant the world would have seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine. The pharaoh immediately began preparing for a famine, and Egypt went on to become a powerful nation, feeding that part of the world.
Years later, when I discovered the teachings of futurist Buckminster Fuller, I saw a similar warning.
After reading Dr. Fuller’s book Grunch of Giants in 1983, I began preparing for a financial crisis. It worked. Through the 2008 crisis, and again during the Covid-19 pandemic, my wife and I, our company, and our investments continue to prosper simply because we are always preparing for bad times.
1983 年讀完富勒博士的書《巨人之谷》後,我開始為金融危機做準備。有效。在 2008 年的危機中,以及在 Covid-19 大流行期間,我和我的妻子、我們的公司和我們的投資繼續繁榮,因為我們一直在為糟糕的時期做準備。
My generation — the baby boom generation — and their kids have only known the biggest economic boom in history. The baby boomers do not know what depression is. For the most part, all they know are good times. The baby boomers were blessed by being born into a massive economic boom, a boom that began in 1971 when all the world’s money became fake money. Many people in my generation made wheelbarrows full of money. After the crash of 2007, many of my generation lost their wheelbarrows of money.
我這一代——嬰兒潮一代——和他們的孩子只知道歷史上最大的經濟繁榮。嬰兒潮一代不知道什麼是抑鬱症。在大多數情況下,他們所知道的只是美好的時光。嬰兒潮一代出生在大規模的經濟繁榮中是幸運的,經濟繁榮始於 1971 年,當時世界上所有的錢都變成了假錢 (意旨: 紙幣、貨幣)。我們這一代的很多人都用錢製造了手推車。 2007 年股市崩盤後,我們這一代人中的許多人都丟掉了手推車的錢。
I'm afraid my generation and their kids are not prepared for the economic decline, a depression that may be ahead. If a person has only known an expanding economy, he or she may not be prepared for life in a deflationary or hyperinflationary economy.
The Importance of History and the Future
To increase financial intelligence and financial literacy, the first step is to learn history. Through the lens of the past you can better see the future.
Over the course of history, the actions of the rich and powerful have done both much good and much harm. I don’t fault the rich for looking out for their interests or their family’s interests. Rather than placing blame, I studied the history of the rich, learned their game, and lived my life aware of their rules of money — and created some of my own rules along the way.
Most people who know the rules of the game of the rich are not in financial trouble today. For the most part, it’s only those people who have low financial intelligence and live by the old rules of money who are hurting financially.
Rich Dad's Prophecy Is Coming True
Yes, it's true, I've written for years about a coming crash, including in my 2002 book Rich Dad's Prophecy. The cause of the prophesied crash is a flaw in the 401(k) retirement plan, a plan blessed by Congress in 1974 as an attempted fix to the dying pension system.
是的,這是真的,多年來我一直在寫關於即將到來的崩潰,包括在我 2002 年出版的書《富爸爸的預言》中。預測崩潰的原因是 401(k) 退休計劃中的一個缺陷,該計劃在 1974 年得到國會的支持,作為對垂死的養老金體系的嘗試修復。
At the time of the book’s publication, the stock market was breaking records left and right, at least numerically. There was little doubt in the establishment’s mind that the stock market and mutual funds would solve the retirement problem for many Americans.
As would be expected, the Wall Street media trashed the book.
The 401(k) plan was a primary catalyst for pushing the retirement money of the baby boomers, the biggest generation in U.S. history, into the stock market, which created immense demand for stocks and mutual funds. As the baby boomers retire, they will need to begin drawing on that money in order to live — which means they will be selling stocks, not buying them. And when there are more people selling than buying, the market goes down. This means that today those who are 45 or younger and have retirement plans connected to the stock market are in trouble.
401(k) 計劃是推動美國歷史上最大的一代嬰兒潮一代的退休金進入股市的主要催化劑,這創造了對股票和共同基金的巨大需求。隨著嬰兒潮一代退休,他們將需要開始動用這筆錢才能生活——這意味著他們將出售股票,而不是購買股票。當賣的人多於買的人時,市場就會下跌。這意味著,如今那些 45 歲或以下且擁有與股票市場相關的退休計劃的人遇到了麻煩。
Many people believe they are safe because the stock market will recover. But the market will not recover; it will only continue to fall. The idea of a comfortable retirement is becoming a myth for young and old.
Ancient History Comes Alive
I have one final point about history. The Founding Fathers opposed central banks like the Federal Reserve. President George Washington experienced the pain of government-made money when he had to pay his troops with the continental, a currency that eventually went to its true value — zero.
關於歷史,我還有最後一點。開國元勳反對美聯準等中央銀行。當喬治華盛頓總統不得不用大陸貨幣*支付他的軍隊時,他經歷了政府賺錢的痛苦,這種貨幣最終達到了其真實價值 : 零。
Thomas Jefferson adamantly opposed the creation of a central bank.
Yet today, central banks control the financial world, and we’ve granted them the power to solve our financial crises for us, the very crises they helped create.
Simply said, a central bank can create money out of nothing and then charge us interest on money it did not earn.
The policies of the Fed aren’t abstract realities. They are powerful actions that determine your financial well-being in both open and hidden ways.
Anyone who purchases a home knows that for the first years most of your mortgage payment goes to the bank to pay down interest, and that very little goes toward reducing the principal. The bank effectively receives interest payments for money it did not earn but rather created out of thin air.
We Are Architects of the Future, Not Victims
As Bucky Fuller said, “We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.”
正如 Bucky Fuller 所說:“我們被要求成為未來的建築師,而不是它的受害者。”
In 1984, I began talking to Kim about what I saw as the future of the economy and why we had to prepare for it. Rather than being frightened, she simply took my hand, and we began our life journey together — and together we built a strong house of bricks.
At the start of our journey, we were in debt. I still owed about $400,000 out of a $790,000 loss from the failure of a past business, and I had no money, job, home, or car.
All we had were the clothes on our backs, two small suitcases, our love, and a dream for our future.
By preparing for bad times you have a better chance of seeing the silver lining when storm clouds gather, and a better chance of finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
For those in houses made of straw and sticks, the coming years could be bad ones; for people in brick houses, a silver lining can be seen in those approaching storm clouds and a pot of gold can be found at the end of the rainbow.
Play it smart,
Robert Kiyosaki
炫麗 Shiny黃金白銀交易所
引用: Rich Dad Poor Dad Daily窮爸爸富爸爸